Jackie offers a range of psychotherapeutic and healing-related services
Jackeline Plank offers her clients a wide range of psychological services, from clinical brief, solution-focussed interventions to longer-term psychotherapy, Jackeline offers healing interventions for individuals, couples or the whole family. Her therapeutic services are outlined to the right.
A specialized branch of psychology concerned with the assessment and treatment of mental illness and behavioral problems of a more clinical or pathological, long-term or chronic nature, Jackeline is able to assist clients in a corporate or private setting and provides treatment for a wide range of presenting problems.
Jackeline practices Ecosystemic Psychotherapy, an evidenced-based systemic therapy approach designed to intervene with larger systems comprising individuals, couples or families who are experiencing behavioral or health and well being problems. The emphasis or focus for the therapist in this way of working is to look at the interpersonal and relational patterns and dynamics between people and the world they inhabit in the present moment rather than to focus on inner or intrapsychic landscapes, created in the past, as would a more psychodynamically or traditionally analytically-trained therapist. Ecosystemic psychotherapy tends to use ideas of ecology, community and the interconnectedness of systems of interaction as a basis for understanding dysfunction, distress, disorder and disease. From this perspective, a symptom – of any kind, be it depression, anxiety, suicidal impulses, illnesses, disease, ongoing debt or insomnia – is an intelligent communication from the system it belongs to about the system. As a communication, it can be decoded, understood and intelligently responded to.
Family Constellations is a pioneering, hybrid therapeutic methodology that integrates and draws on therapeutic and pragmatic techniques, technologies and elements from various systemic and family therapy schools and frameworks, Existential Phenomenology, Gestalt and Drama Therapy; postmodern Constructivist approaches as well as practices and insights from Traditional African and other older Wisdom traditions (e.g. Native American, Vedic Hindu and Buddhist traditions). The feeder arteries into this FC methodology include philosophy, psychology, educational and didactic understandings and spiritual frameworks. The founder of this way of working is a psychotherapist, priest, headmaster and philosopher called Bert Hellinger who began practicing what he now calls “Movements of the Soul” work in the 1980s. Of relevance to the South African context, is that Bert Hellinger is said to have developed some of the key concepts of this work while living and working as a headmaster and priest in rural KwaZulu Natal. Family Constellations work often but not exclusively involves ancestral and trans-generational perspectives. In a single session, a Family Constellation focus may attempt to reveal previously unrecognized systemic dynamics that often span multiple generations in a given family system. The goal of a session would be to offer realistic insight into and resolution of the damaging effects of that dynamic by facilitating and encouraging the client to experience an alternative perspective of their family system. The modality lends itself to working profoundly in the here-and-now with dynamics created in the past as a way to heal the future.
The BodyTalk System is an alternative body-based therapy founded in the mid 90s by naturopath, acupuncturist and chiropractor, Dr John Veltheim as a healing and healthcare system that can be taught to lay people to address up to 50 per cent of disorders that we commonly struggle with. The BodyTalk protocol provides effective results with a dynamic, non-invasive muscle biofeedback method that utilizes both Western and Eastern energy medicine techniques.. BodyTalk is based on principles that state that the body posses an innate and natural intelligence that communicates; that this innate intelligence can be directed and supported in such a way that it facilitates healing and balance; and that given optimum support, this innate intelligence can and will heal the body at biochemical, physical, emotional and psychological levels. BodyTalk is referred to as state of the art energy medicine for the 21st century.